Bitcoin Gets Fit Through Social Fitness App Gymnut

Gymnut, the first peer-to-peer app connecting people and trainers, is now accepting bitcoin for its in-app store. Gymcoins, the prepaid store tokens, will
Gymnut, the first peer-to-peer app connecting people and trainers, is now accepting bitcoin for its in-app store. Gymcoins, the prepaid store tokens, will
Op-ed - Bitcoin Gets Fit Through Social Fitness App Gymnut

Gymnut, the first peer-to-peer app connecting people and trainers, is now accepting bitcoin for its in-app store. Gymcoins, the prepaid store tokens, will allow users to pay for specialized workouts and more through the app. Gymnut’s founders are scientists pursuing their PhDs who realized that the best way to counter the rise of chronic disease was through focus on proactive health and tangibles like exercise, nutrition and lifestyle combined with technology that allows connection for personal training. The underlying principles of personal training encompass goal-setting, motivation, personalized workouts, nutrition plans, accountability and tracking to drive behavioral change.

Current personal training models are badly broken. Similar to the analogy of outdated banking software stifling commercial models, large gyms have a monopoly over personal training, which take large cuts from trainers and make client retention difficult because of the high premiums they are forced to charge. The rise in online training and peer-to-peer commerce has offered trainers the freedom to build a career independent of centralized gyms or organizations while leveraging social media.Gymnut is a social fitness app on a mission to redefine training by connecting fitness enthusiasts with a community of trainers and fellow gym nuts dedicated to improving health and fitness. Gymnut empowers trainers to build and monetize their followings by offering workouts and training plans through an iTunes likeworkout store, which lets users find exactly what they are looking for from curated workouts personalized for different goals, for prices as low as $0.99. 

Gymnut has integrated BitPay’s API on their app to allow customers to top up their account with bitcoin.

Gymnut is also a premium sponsor of the #ProofOfWorkout 30-day challenge, encouraging participants to share their stats for a chance to win store credits.


The #ProofOfWorkout 30-Day Challenge has expanded to over 90 participants with each person sharing their progress on social media. Organizer, Emily Vaughn, expressed her excitement over participant engagement stating, “We hoped for 50 participants and expected much less. To have just under 100 people getting fit with bitcoin is an inspiring turnout, so we’ve been brainstorming on how to create more value for these challengers and keep them motivated.”

What keeps everyone so engaged? The answer lies in how they stay connected. #ProofOfWorkout encourages participants to use social media to set a unique goal and share progress for that goal with a worldwide community. The proof of work comes from making progress known to the community of challengers by sharing workout statistics and action shots. #ProofOfWorkout and its sponsors, like Gymnut, incentive challengers with bitcoin-funded Gyft cards and redeemable prizes.Being a social fitness app, Gymnut captures the core principles behind #proofofworkout – that by sharing progress, motivating, and keeping each other accountable, participants have better success at establishing healthy habits.

With the #ProofOfWorkout Challenge coming to an end June 9th, this week is closing out the challenge with “Share Your Stats!” Three challengers can win $25 towards the Gymnut store by sharing screenshots of their fitness app after a hard workout. The final prize of a $100 Gyft card to Nike remains for the five most active participants.