Bitcoin Core’s Btc Drak: SegWit2x BIP Is Technically, Ethically ‘Utterly Appalling’

A last-minute update to SegWit2x has earned the scorn of Bitcoin Core developer Btc Drak.
A last-minute update to SegWit2x has earned the scorn of Bitcoin Core developer Btc Drak.

Bitcoin Core developer Btc Drak has responded critically to attempts to implement SegWit2x into the Core repository.

In a circular to the core mailing list Saturday, Btc Drak, who is also the creator of Viacoin, called the Bitcoin Improvement Protocol (BIP) for SegWit2x “utterly appalling.”

“I am utterly appalled by this proposal both technically, ethically and by the process which it has adopted,” he began.

Despite facing an uphill struggle for acceptance, SegWit2x is only weeks away from its August 1 implementation deadline. Fellow Coin developer Luke-jr has been an especially outspoken critic of the plan, stating he could not “foresee [himself] consenting to the hardfork proposal.”

In his rebuttal of changes to the established process, Btc Drak took issue with the lack of time available for the adoption of the BIP proposal.

He continued:

“For all the talk of how important ‘alternative implementations’ are, how does this rash and rushed action promote an ecosystem of multiple implementors? By encouraging fast upgrades, you are actually centralizing the ecosystem even further.”

Barry Silbert’s Bitcoin scaling proposal has had broad business support since its inception in May, but this support has now led to accusations of corporate ‘strong arming.’

Btc Drak concluded:

“I cannot not support this proposal in the current form and timeline, nor do I support the coercion that has been used behind closed doors to try and gain more support (not limited to, but including approaching company investors to twist arms and veiled threats of blacklisting companies from further funding/collaboration).”