Bitcoin Capital Raises $1,297,460 in Crowdfunding Campaign

Bitcoin businesses have been getting a lot of attention in recent months. Some of that new attention can be attributed to massive VC funding flowing into the world of digital currency. If this trend continues, the Bitcoin industry will surpass the $1 billion USD mark in VC funding will be passed before the end of […]
Bitcoin businesses have been getting a lot of attention in recent months. Some of that new attention can be attributed to massive VC funding flowing into the world of digital currency. If this trend continues, the Bitcoin industry will surpass the $1 billion USD mark in VC funding will be passed before the end of […]

Bitcoin businesses have been getting a lot of attention in recent months. Some of that new attention can be attributed to massive VC funding flowing into the world of digital currency. If this trend continues, the Bitcoin industry will surpass the $1 billion USD mark in VC funding will be passed before the end of the year.

Also read: CleverCoin Incubated by Boost VC: Exclusive Interview

Solving A Critical Issue

Bitcoinist_Max KeiserThere are two critical issues when it comes to digital currency. Issue number one is the fact that the concept of digital currency is rather difficult to explain unless you are talking with tech-savvy people. Then again, the direction of that conversation also depends on your personal approach towards explaining Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.

However, even if most people may not fully grasp the technological concept of Bitcoin, that doesn’t mean they are not interested in the currency. In fact, a lot of people are intrigued by the somewhat mysterious nature of cryptocurrency and are eager to learn more. Plus, some individuals — or even companies — may want to invest some money into cryptocurrency. But how do you go about that in a quick, easy, and convenient manner?

That brings us to problem number two: there is a very steep learning curve for cryptocurrency, especially if you are looking at it from the point of view of an investor. Furthermore, the world of Bitcoin and digital currency has been plagued by scams, making it rather difficult to navigate the waters as a novice user.

All of that does not change the fact that Bitcoin and the blockchain have a ton of potential. We are only starting to scratch the tip of the iceberg of what we can use this technology for, and investors are starting to understand Bitcoin’s potential.

Bitcoin Capital: Equity Crowdfunding for Cryptocurrency

Bitcoinist_BnkToTheFutureIn order to bypass all of the “geeky stuff” and “due diligence” associated with cryptocurrency investing, a high-risk high-reward investment fund has been created. Bitcoin Capital will be managed by Max Keiser — entrepreneur, investor and financial journalist — and Simon Dixon — ex-investment banker, entrepreneur, investor, and Co-Founder of BnkToTheFuture.

Bitcoin Capital wants to offer something to both large and small investors. Investing in Bitcoin Capital will serve two purposes. On the one hand, this venture capital fund will be investing the raised money in high-profile startup companies in the Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto ecosystem. On the other hand, Bitcoin Capital offers investors a way of generating a passive revenue stream. Dividends are paid out — in Bitcoin — every day. In doing so, Bitcoin Capital becomes the very first fund to pay out daily dividends in Bitcoin. Bitcoin Capital will fund its daily dividend payouts by investing one-third of all raised funds into Bitcoin mining.

Bitcoin Capital will invest other parts of the funds into key areas of cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin itself, as well as other digital currencies. The end goal is to give every investor full exposure to the growth of blockchain technology. The blockchain is responsible for powering the Bitcoin network, and the technology is being experimented with by various companies.

Max Keiser told Bitcoinist that:

“I have been critical of the traditional financial system for many years on my show — Keiser Report. I was the first global news outlet to cover Bitcoin when it was trading at $3 recognising its potential to change the world. Many startups in the Bitcoin space credit Keiser Report for getting them started in the business. Bitcoin Capital allows the founders and investors to experiment with new crypto financial business models and currencies to transform global finance.”

Overshooting the Funding Goal

Bitcoinist_SIMON DIXONWhen the Bitcoin Capital campaign was launched on, some steep goals were set in order to make this campaign a success. To have the slightest chance of success, a minimum amount of 223,974 EUR had to be raised. Accepted payment methods included Bitcoin, Startcoin, all major credit cards and bank transfer.

However, that is a rather conservative number, as both Max Keiser and Simon Dixon were hoping to raise the full 895,997 EUR needed to fully fund Bitcoin Capital’s launch. As of press time, that goal was overshot by quite a margin, raising a total of 1,148,927 EUR — which amounts to approximately $1,297,460 USD. No less than 619 investors have backed the Bitcoin Capital project, and there are still a few hours left on the clock.

Simon Dixon, Co-Founder of BnkToTheFuture, told Bitcoinist:

“There is so much happening with peer to peer, CrowdFunding, Bitcoin and Blockchain technology that it is taking the investment community and financial sector by surprise. We know the sector inside-out and provide a very easy way for investors to get started and be directly involved in the future of finance. If the sector turns out to be as big as we think it will be, investors can benefit from the growth of the alternative finance and Bitcoin sector as a whole.”

What are your thoughts on Bitcoin Capital and the BnkToTheFuture equity Crowdfunding platform? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Press Release via Email

Crowdfunding Campaign :

Images: BnkToTheFuture, Bitcoin Capital, Max Keiser & Simon Dixon