Car Free Day Vancouver is taking place in mid-June on Main Street. The event occurs on Father’s Day each year (June 15), and is entirely volunteer organized and for years has been promoting car free transportation in Vancouver. The event has a history of community involvement, moving the city into the future and inspiring others to think beyond car culture, all of which lead up to the 10th anniversary of Car Free Day Vancouver.
This monumental event is likely to have over 250,000 in attendance, and will also include a passionate community of Bitcoiners and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Organizers associated with the Vancouver-based Bitcoin Cooperative (Bitcoin Co-op) are planning on holding a Crypto Block Party along the most trafficked route along Main Street, which holds one of the non-profits Bitcoin merchants Vera’s Burger Shack. The Bitcoin Co-op will use Car Free Day Vancouver to spread knowledge of crypto-based currencies throughout the community.
Additionally, many notable players in the crypto community will be participating in the festivities, with booths for the Dogecoin community, Feathercoin, the Bitcoin Cooperative, Quadriga CX, Crypt0Minors and many ATM operators. This list of organizations will likely grow as the event gets closer. Because the event is well-known in mainstream media and has the backing of many organizations throughout the community, Car Free Day Vancouver will help expand the knowledge of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in the city.
Car Free Day has even worked to crowdfund several spaces along Main Street that support non-automotive transportation, such as parklets and even a bike bar. For those unfamiliar with this event, a Car Free Day Vancouver Society board member stated:
The Bitcoin Cooperative will increase adoption throughout Vancouver by bringing Bitcoin companies and organizations together, in order to educate people about the technology behind cryptocurrencies while also working with merchants to help them accept these types of payments for their customers.
For more information visit http://www.bitcoincoop.org/ and http://www.carfreevancouver.org/
The red bike image used in the quote graphic is from Jacek Chabraszewski @ shutterstock.