Bill Clinton Receives His First Bitcoin

Bitcoin evangelist and investor Matthew Roszak gave former president Bill Clinton a gift of Bitocin at a conference in Washington, D.C.
Bitcoin evangelist and investor Matthew Roszak gave former president Bill Clinton a gift of Bitocin at a conference in Washington, D.C.

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton has received his first Bitcoin.

At a conference in Washington, D.C., venture capitalist and tech entrepreneur Matthew Roszak gave the former president a gift of Bitcoin. Roszak tweeted the photo with the caption:

Hillary Clinton not so Bitcoin-friendly

This marks what is likely the first introduction of Bitcoin into the Clinton family. For her 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton, wife of the former president, opted to not accept Bitcoin donations. Meanwhile, her former Republican rival Rand Paul, once considered as the 2016 Republican front runner, proudly accepted Bitcoin donations for his campaign. Now that Bill Clinton has some Bitcoin in his possession, will this result in a change in Hillary’s perception of cryptocurrency?

Matthew Roszak’s long history of Bitcoin promotion

A seasoned venture capitalist, Roszak has an extensive track record of investment in the Bitcoin community, including being a founding member of Blockchain Capital, co-founding blockchain software company Bloq, and founding the Chicago Bitcoin Center. In 2014, he was one of the investors who offered to buy the defunct Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox for a symbolic 1 BTC.