Best-Selling Author Nomi Prins Makes Harsh Predictions on the Future of the Economy and Finance

Nomi Prins Predictions on the Future of the E
Nomi Prins Predictions on the Future of the E

In case You are not afraid to hear the bitter truth, attentively read the book “All the Presidents Bankers“ and listen to Nomi Prins’ predictions on a possible financial collapse. 

It would be a crime to cut her opinion and provide the readers with separate snippets, as she was formerly a top Goldman Sachs banker capable of providing exclusive insight in banking, finance and the global economy. Her above mentioned book has a massive inspiring reference list allowing the readers to get acquainted with various opinions. 
Analyzing the history of the country and the aftermaths of long-standing events allows her to draw depressing conclusions. Her warning says: 
“Never before have the Government and the Fed collaborated so extensively by propping up the banking system to the detriment of the population. That connection with Teddy Roosevelt was a very powerful established entity between two people that has allowed all this stuff that has happened in the last hundred years to really happen. The friendships, the social ties, the idea that the bankers could sort themselves out with Treasury Department help if it needed to. Of course, it’s epic now. All of that was solidified then. Banks being hands-off with respect to the oval office was all solidified then. We’ve only been consolidating that message throughout the century since.”