Andorra to host Digital Currency Summit

Digital Currency Summit in Andorra
Digital Currency Summit in Andorra

Yet another conference dedicated to cryptocurrencies under the name of “Digital Currency Summit” will take place in the tiny landlocked nation of Andorra from September 17-19, 2014. 

As reported by Elizabeth Ploshay in Bitcoin Magazine, the event is distinguished by being the “first conference about virtual currency conference focused on regulation, finance and investment,” according to the press release. “The aim of the conference is to demystify digital currencies with knowledge and debates regarding Bitcoins, Litecoins, Ripples, and to provide a premier networking hub as one of the main attractions for attendees.” 

The DCS will cater to investors, politicians, banks, and regulators, where international financial experts will discuss the future prospects of cryptocurrency. 

“The aim of the conference is to demystify digital currencies with knowledge and debates regarding Bitcoins… and to provide a premier networking hub as one of the main attractions for attendees.” 

The conference program will be led by two finance experts, Jan Kees de Jager, former Dutch Finance Minister, and David Andolfatto, of the United States Federal Reserve Bank. Other notable presenters include Jon Matonis, Executive Director of the Bitcoin Foundation, as well as Constance Choi of Payward, Inc. 

With Bitcoin among other cryptocurrencies quickly moving into the public eye, the event will address the questions that have arisen from the ever-increasing number of crypto-exchanges springing up all over the world as well as the regulatory issues users and merchants face with the nascent digital currency. 

At the heart of the conference will be a high-level forum where participants will be able to openly discuss the “future of digital currency regulation, opportunities, possible threats…financial considerations and legal aspects” of cryptocurrencies. 

The last day of the conference will be dedicated to specialized workshops held in four main blocks as well as networking where participants will get the chance to meet sponsors and other attendees one-on-one. 

The event will be held at the Palace of Congresses in Andorra la Vella. The number of ticker is limited to 500 tickets at a reduced early-bird price of 930 Euros. The first hundred tickets were already sold within the first 2 days. 

More information about the DCS conference can be found here