And the Best Cryptocurrency Startup Is…

Best Cryptocurrency Startup
Best Cryptocurrency Startup

For this year, the annual The Europas: European Tech-Startup Awards has introduced a new category for “Best virtual currency startup.” This year, the event will take place on June 10 in London. 

As noted by the founder of the award, Mike Butcher: “The introduction of a new nomination is the direct response to the increasing popularity of virtual currencies and related payment method technologies.” 
He stated: 
“I think you’d have to live under a rock not to realize that digital currency is potentially one of the biggest tech trends in the last 20 years.”
He goes on to explain: 
 “It’s clear there is going to be growth then some consolidation. But, it’s an unpredictable sector, which is in part what makes it so interesting. Tech startups thrive in that kind of environment.”
The winner for “Best virtual currency startup” will be decided based on the following criteria: 
  1. market potential; 
  2. stable technological platform; 
  3. user feedback; 
  4. business plan and vision for future growth and development. 
About The Europas 
Founded by Mike Butcher in 2009, The Europas are the premier awards for Europe’s hottest tech startups. While it concentrates on the newest companies on the scene, it also brings together the mid and late stage technology startups, as well as leading investors and media in the EMEA region. It’s a genuine, editorially-driven, independent awards, judged by peers from the startup and investor community.