A Pot of Honey from Cryptocurrency-friendly Bees Brothers

Bees Brothers a BTC-accepting honey business
Bees Brothers a BTC-accepting honey business
Bees Brothers is a small but unusual and, one might say, extraordinary family business specializing in honey and honey products. The founders are probably the youngest entrepreneurs that have recognized the benefits of cryptocurrency – the oldest brother is only 15 years old.

The Huntzinger family discovered that it’s possible to produce extra thick honey even in the desert climate and low humidity environment of Utah. It opened its honey business in Cache Valley by creating an online store and selling products made from honey at the summer Farmer's Market:

“With all of the extra honey around the house, we started experimenting with it in all kinds of foods. Our absolute favorite is Honey Caramel. It took a bit of experimenting, but the final result was worth it.”

The family business also specializes in sweets and skincare products, such as lip balm.

Today, Bees Brothers accepts digital currency and offers customers an opportunity to pay using bitcoins or litecoins.

Moreover, in one of the interviews, the family admitted that they have also mined their first Bitcoin!

Last year, the two Bees Brothers founders, Nathan and Sam Huntzinger, were mentioned by CNBC report as the youngest businessmen accepting Bitcoin. Their parents, Craig and Kami Huntzinger, believe that cryptocurrencies have served as a great learning adventure for the whole family:

“The boys have learned about investing, interest, markets and have met people online from all over the world. We are currently having to reevaluate our business, because it is taking enough of our time, that other pursuits like learning cryptography and programming are hard to schedule in. We are not sure where this is going, but they are open to new ideas, and revolutionary ways of thinking”.