5 Reasons Why Bitcoin Value Must Increase In Future

When my Mom is on board, you’re doing something right.
When my Mom is on board, you’re doing something right.

Many people jump into Bitcoin for its investment value. Like my Mom, for example. She seemed to ignore the 2 years of work I’ve put into the Bitcoin community, but when some mainstream media talking head said Bitcoin was a good investment she demanded I return to Brooklyn to get her waist deep into the digital currency, ASAP. That’s fine and dandy and is probably the number one reason why the mainstream will notice and begin investing in Bitcoin going forward. When my Mom is on board, you’re doing something right.

Bitcoin’s continuously price is but the tip of the iceberg when it comes to reasons to invest in “The Future of Money.” However, since that is the case, here are five great reasons why Bitcoin’s price will continue to rise in the future, and draw continue to draw novice investors from the mainstream to the world of digital currency. If you are a regular Cointelegraph reader, you may know some or all of these, but a refresher in the summer isn’t a bad idea. If this helps one person see the Bitcoin’s shine through this piece, my job is done.

1. Bitcoin value increases over time by design

With Bitcoin’s transactional volume increasing worldwide every day, a cap on production in the future, and a reduction in Bitcoins produced every 10 minutes just implemented July 10th, Bitcoin values will continue to climb for the foreseeable future.

U.S. Dollars and pretty much any fiat (paper) currency you can think of are losing value every year due to inflation, which is the increase of supply of said currency. Bitcoin is deflationary, by design. Bitcoin supply falls from now on, in four-year increments known as Bitcoin “halvings,” reducing the number of Bitcoins produced every ten minutes. Right now, this is 12.5 BTC per block.

A dollar has no production limit on the amount it can be inflated by decree of government or the centralized banking syndicate. Paper currency is generally inflated to try to outspend debts, or pay for unholy wars. So no debt, no inflation, and no blood on Bitcoin’s hands. I’d say we’re off to a good ideological start…..

2. Fiat currency fatigue

With global access to the Internet, and so many recent economic collapses of paper currency (Greece, Cyprus, Venezuela, Argentina, Zimbabwe, and more on the horizon), there is more interest than ever in a flat-out better economic system that is not so prone to failure after failure.

Mexico and Ecuador have been in discussions to mimic the Bitcoin blockchain and create their own digital currencies. China has had these discussions with Citibank and Deloitte to do the same. Tunisia, a North African nation, has already started its own national economic blockchain, and Japan has accepted Bitcoin as a national currency, on par with the Yen itself.

3. Wall Street/Big Business hasn’t jumped onto the Bitcoin bandwagon…..yet

Blockchain technology has been the darling of Wall Street, not Bitcoin. This is not without some good reason. Bitcoin has been embroiled in scandals and regulatory purgatory in many global locales, so it can be seen as a financial wild card to place big bets with.

PayPal has caressed the exterior of the Bitcoin concept, but it still is not a part of their core business. Microsoft and Dell are the other major players, but until a mass adoption event happens, or is forced to happen by some greater economic meltdown, Bitcoin will be seen as an outlier, not the best bet.

4. Cash is leaving the scene and will be replaced by digital payments anyway

Nations around the world are funneling the mainstream into the digital payment system and away from cash through soft bans. They may be doing it for economic control over all transactions, and the ability to record and tax every transaction in the future, but consumers will get closer and closer to the realization that Bitcoin is really their digital currency of choice.

Bitcoin has not gone viral yet, and is still developing the apps, upgrades, and protocols that will make it truly ready for prime time, so the upside potential is still huge. We’ve only scratched the surface of what a Bitcoin is really worth to the world. It’s quite a bit more than $670, or at least it will be in the future. Five year’s ago, it was worth $0.30 USD cents.

5. The Global Reserve Currency keeps losing value, which inflates Bitcoin value

As the U.S. Dollar keeps accelerating its inflation through ‘QE Infinity,’ which increases supply and erodes its value every year, global interest in it continues to wane, and a Bitcoin will cost more and more to buy on the weakening dollar. China has already begun to call for a new global reserve currency.

As the dollar loses 5-10% a year in real value, not the government’s alleged 1-2% per annum, Bitcoin’s value in dollars will grow in proportion.  When, not if, the dollar loses its “Global Reserve Currency” status, people will flood the Bitcoin market looking to get in.

Since Bitcoin is not beholden to any country or economic paradigm run by the banking system, it can sit on the sidelines and collect value, like Gold and Silver will, while the legacy financial system continues to burn down around them. ‘Digital Gold’ has treated Bitcoin owners very, very well over the years, making incredible returns in six out the last seven years.

I wouldn’t worry about Bitcoin values going forward. More and more talking heads in the mainstream, if they have any credibility, will be singing the praises of Bitcoin’s value proposition. Maybe even some of them will be speaking from experience?

The real question is, will you? Not if you don’t see the forest through the trees and get started. I hope this helps.